inControl White Paper: How can it be safe if it’s in the cloud?
Expert guidance and fact-based information on cyber security concerning off-premise cloud-based software platforms.
We want to provide you with a greater understanding of the potential risks of off-premise versus on-premise SCADA and other software platforms, as well as the impact of Industry 4.0 and IIoT and what they mean, and much more.
Graham Jennings, inControl’s process and digitalisation consultant have shared some of his knowledge and expertise on a topic constantly being discussed within the various industries we specialise in.
How can it be safe if it’s in the cloud?
We want to provide you with a greater understanding of the potential risks of off-premise versus on-premise SCADA and other software platforms, as well as the impact of Industry 4.0 and IIoT and what they mean, and much more.
To download this white paper for free, and to view all our other free resources, click here.

“We provide expert guidance and fact-based information on cyber security concerning off-premise cloud-based software platforms”